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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did we really land on the moon?


                The humans got victory over the moon and the process continued till 1972. After that why no man has landed on the moon? Since 1969, we have developed our technology, knowledge, and skills. We have modified and developed computers, communicative means and we got advanced satellites which give information related with all of the fields. Now a day, artificial equipments can land on moon, but why not the humans? NASA, the space administrater of U.S.A had developed the technology to send man on moon before 41 years, but why can't it be used now a days? Are our present technologies quiet poor than Apollo program? But the fact is technology never goes down, it only gets improved. Then why could not the humans world send some one in the moon in the 21st century if it was done in 20th century? Are all our technologies getting poor or we have never reached the moon?
           Earth has a region called Van Allen belt that saves earth from radiations of sun in space and even in the moon also the deadly cosmic rays and solar flares, high energy rays of sun, are present. These rays can easily destroy the human life. To block such rays, the astronaut's should be nearly two metres thick, but it was not. Suprisingly, non of astronauts of Apollo program suffered from cancer.
           The conversation by astronauts from moon to control centre was faster than expected. If one had to communicate from U.S to U.K, there was delay of 0.7 seconds. So, from moon to earthm it should be a bit late, but sound record provided by NASA has a bit fast communication. When the astronauts communicate with the control centre from moving rocket, voice of astronauts is heard but not of rocket.
            The pharaohs are the main sources of controversy. All the photographs look perfect and focused. In photos, there are no effects of cosmic rays. The U.S flag and the word U.S is always seen bright, although, other things in the same photo look dark.According to NASA the source of light for photograph in the moon was only the sun. During day time, the temperature of moon will be very high (126 degree celcius - 137 degree celcius). At this temperature, the film of the camera will be damaged completely. In six Apollo launch, the astronauts had spent all together 48838 minutes in the moon. They had taken 5771 photographs. The rate of taking photographs have been found quiet ambiguous.
             In one of the photographs, it shows that Neil Armstrong's foot is about to touch the ground. It seemed that some one has clicked the photo, but no one was there on the moon before him. If sun was only the source of light, the shadow should be similar. In Apollo 12 launching, two astronauts had landed on the moon with camera on their chest, but while clicking the photo of one astronaut by another the upper part of helmet is seen. From chest level, the upper part of helmet can not be captured.

            The U.S flag is fluttering on the moon. In moon, there is no air and movement of flag is not posssible. The photo shows the foot prints of astronauts. When we walk on deep dry sand, our foot prints are not seen but small holes are created.
Moon is also dry but foot prints are seen. Its quite controversial. In photograph, the sky is dark but no stars are seen. Even non of the astronauts ever spoke how the sky looked from the moon. There are lots of faults seen in photographs related with shadow, source of light and brightness.

            All together 11 Apollo campaigns astronauts were killed in the accident. There was Apollo 13 blast because of high pressure in oxygen bag. Seven were killed in plane crash and one in car crash. The Apollo campaign started when the Vietnam war was occured. The world was excited at Apollo success and nobody paid attention towards the loss of lives in Vietnam.
           Extraordinary claim demanded extraordinary result. NASAs claims are extraordinary but the result are not satisfactory. Human's step on moon is great triumph but still there are controversies, it never tastes sweet, normal people believe the human stepped on moon but science never say any incident true unless it is justified completely.

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