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Monday, June 27, 2011

Top Ten Ways To Impress A Woman

Let's start with number one. Do not try and impress her. I was reading recently regarding this subject that women in general can see right through it when a man is trying to impress them. In actual fact it is one of the sure fire ways of her knowing that you like her and that you may be going over the top.
Number 2 - Honesty, for the love of God do not go over to woman and BS your mouth off. This is the number one killer when it comes to impressing women. Be yourself and be honest.
Number 3 - A good decent smile. That's right do not stand there like you are awaiting the death sentence. Sure she may reject you but at least have a smile on your face.
Number 4 - Good manners really impress a woman. Now you may think that the modern woman does not want the door opened for her because she is independent and so on - but this is not the case today as it wasn't yesterday. Women like good manners.
Number 5 - Do not take yourself too seriously. Have a sense of humor. Be willing to poke fun at yourself. Have a laugh and make her laugh. This helps to get all parties involved relaxed and having fun and she will be impressed by it.
Number 6 - Be sensitive towards her. Be considerate and understand her needs. You do not need to be some rude hard ass who is just trying to show off.
Number 7 - Having the smarts really helps. Intelligence is a very attractive trait. Intelligence comes with substance and ones own understanding. Generally those who are intelligent are independent yet socially and conversationally adaptable.
Number 8 - This is a given. Be thoughtful. Listen to her and do not try and override what she is saying with your opinion. Be thoughtful relative to her sensitivities.
Number 9 - Having a job helps to impress and being able to keep that job may even impress her more. However it is not just about having a job, running your own business will also be impressive. If you find you are in a dead beat job at present the very aspiration to do better will also impress her.
Number 10 - Last but not least be sincere. Once again do not jump on the BS train. Women are impressed by sincerity.
Guy's if you are serious about getting the girl of your dreams then you need to seriously work on solid techniques to achieve your goal. If you know what a girl is thinking it is far easier to approach her. If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links... You can learn this and a lot more.
Article Source:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why are GIRLS getting more likes, comments and friend request on facebook than BOYS?

        What is Facebook? A place where boys post a joke theres no response. But Girls post same joke she get 31 likes, 26 comment, 10 friend requests. Yes, this is true. Girls are getting more platform for every thing on facebook and the boys are lacking behind.
       When a girls uploads a new picture in facebook, she doesn't have to wait long enough to pop up long lists of likes and comments. But when a boy posts some thing or uploads a photo, there will be no one to care or just even to look at it, and it just remains rotting, the boy waiting and praying for just even one like for it. This is really happening on facebook. I am saying all this with my own personal experience. But why is this happening? Facebook was not designed or created just for girls, it was created for social networking, but it has become more a show stage for girls rather than a social networkig site.
   Is this happening because girls have got boobs on their chest but boys don't? Sorry but I am not blaming you girls for this. But who are the ones that gives that much priority to girls for having that thing on their chest?
        Of coure they are BOYS. It is the boys who are making all the girls to get 31 likes, 26 comments and 10 friend request on their silly jokes. We boys are the ones who are giving such value and importance to girls status and profile pictures. We boys are giving much more value to girls photos, posts and comments, waiting when a girl will make a post and we would be the first one to like it and give a comment on it and second then third and on and on... Yes, it is true. We boys don't give a shit what another boy is posting or whatever picture he is uploading, we only wait for the girls to update their status and we would rush forward to be the first one to like. There will be a race among the boys to get to the first, second, and third position to like and comment on whatever it is posted by the girl. That is the reason why all the girls on the facebook are getting more likes, comments and friend request. This is the fact. But I am not saying that we should totally ignore their posts.
           There used to be a time when boys used to be surrounded by circle of girls at past but now time has changed. We are running madly after a girll just by seeing a good profile picture of her. So boys, think a little bit and at least, like and give a comment on your friends photo also, just to try to maintain the balance in this course of race between girls and boys on facebook in which girls have already left boys at the far corners. Lets change the trend. Lets not run after girls but make them run after us. Think again...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Facts About The Planet Mercury

- Diameter: 4,878 km (3,032 miles) at its equator, which is about two - fifths of Earth's diameter.
- Temperature: ?
- Orbit: 57,910,000 km (0.38 AU) from Sun. Orbiting the Sun once every 88 days.
- Average Distance: About 58 million km (36 million miles)
- Time to Rotate: 58.6 days
- Mass: 3.30e23 kg (5.5% of Earth)
- Moons: 0
- Period of Rotations: 58.6462 days.
Orbit: Mercury has a very elliptical (oval shaped) orbit.  At perihelion (at its closest point) it is about 46 million km (28.58 miles) from the sun, but at aphelion (at its farthest point) it is about 70 million km. Mercury is about 77.3 million km (48 miles) from Earth at its closest approach. Mercury is not easily seen from Earth due to its small angular separation from the Sun.  Mercury moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. Mercury travels about 48 km (30 miles) per second and it takes 88 Earth days to orbit the Sun. The Earth goes around the Sun once every 365 days.
Rotation: The planet rotates once about every 59 Earth days, a rotation slower than that of any other planet except Venus. As a result of the planet’s slow rotation on its axis and rapid movement around the sun, a day on Mercury lasts 176 Earth days (interval between one sunrise and next).
Composition: Mercury is the second densest major body in the solar system after Planet Earth and its density is slightly less than Earths. Mercury’s smaller mass makes its force of gravity only about a third as strong as that of the Earth. An object that weighs 100 pounds on earth would weigh only about 38 pounds on Mercury.
Mercury has a large iron core which is most likely at partially molten and generates a magnetic field about 1% as strong as that of Earth’s. Mercury’s interior appears to resemble that of Earth. Both planets have a rocky layer called mantle beneath their crust and both planets have an iron core.
Surface: The surface of Mercury consists of cratered terrain and smooth plains and many deep craters formed when meteors or small comets crashed into the planet. The largest known crater is Caloris Basin, with a diameter of 1300 km (800 miles). Like other terrestrial planets (Venus, Earth and Mars) Mercury is made mostly of rock and metal. Mercury’s surface appears to be much like that of moon. It reflects approximately 6 percent of the sunlight it receives. Like the moon, Mercury is covered be a thin layer of minerals called silicates in form of tiny particles.
Water: Scans of Mercury made by Earth- based radar indicate that crates at Mercury’s poles contain water ice. The floors of the craters are permanently shielded from sunlight, so the temperature never gets high enough to melt the ice.
Temperature:  Mercury is planet of extreme temperature variations. It is hotter than Venus, but with less fluctuations. The temperature on planet may reach up to 450 degree C during the day. But at night, the temperature may drop as low as -170 degrees C. the sunlight on Mercury’s surface is 6.5 times as intense as it is on Earth due its closeness to the Sun.
Atmosphere: Mercury is dry, extremely hot and almost airless. Planet Mercury is too small for its gravity to retain any significant atmosphere over long periods of time. The weak atmosphere contains hydrogen, helium, oxygen, sodium, calcium and potassium.
Due to the heat of the planet, the very thin atmosphere is blasted off its surface by the solar wind and quickly escapes into space. Mercury’s atmosphere is constantly being replenished. Mercury does not have enough atmosphere to slow down meteoroids and burn them up by the friction. The Sun’s are approximately 7 times stronger on Mercury than Earth. The Sun also appears about 21/2 times as large in Mercury’s sky as in Earth’s.
Name: The Greeks gave it two names: Apollo for when It came as morning star and Hermes when it came as an evening star. In Roman mythology, Mercury is the God of commerce, travel and thievery, the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Hermes the messenger of god. The planet probably received this name because it moves so quickly across the sky.
Life: The plant and animal life of the Earth could not live on Mercury because of the lack of oxygen and the intense heat. Scientist doubts that the planet has any form of life.
Viewing: Because of Mercury’s size and nearness to the Sun, the planet is often hard to be seen from the Earth without a telescope. Mercury can be seen low in the western sky just after the sunset. At other times, it can be seen low in the eastern sky just before sunrise.
Phases: When viewed through a telescope, Mercury can be seen going through ‘changes’ in shape and size. These apparent changes are called phases and resembles those of the moo. They result from different parts of Mercury’s sunlit side being visible from Earth at different times.
History: Mercury has been known since ancient times. Until the mid- 1960’s, astronomers believed that Mercury rotated once every 88 Earth days, the same time planet takes to go round the Sun. if Mercury did this, one side of the planet would always face the Sun and the other side would always be dark. However, radar studies conducted in 1965 showed that the planet rotates once in about 59 days.

The only space craft to come close to Mercury was Mariner 10 from 1974 to 1975, which was only able to map 40%- 45% of the planet’s surface.
For more information about Mercury and other Planets, please visit:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did we really land on the moon?


                The humans got victory over the moon and the process continued till 1972. After that why no man has landed on the moon? Since 1969, we have developed our technology, knowledge, and skills. We have modified and developed computers, communicative means and we got advanced satellites which give information related with all of the fields. Now a day, artificial equipments can land on moon, but why not the humans? NASA, the space administrater of U.S.A had developed the technology to send man on moon before 41 years, but why can't it be used now a days? Are our present technologies quiet poor than Apollo program? But the fact is technology never goes down, it only gets improved. Then why could not the humans world send some one in the moon in the 21st century if it was done in 20th century? Are all our technologies getting poor or we have never reached the moon?
           Earth has a region called Van Allen belt that saves earth from radiations of sun in space and even in the moon also the deadly cosmic rays and solar flares, high energy rays of sun, are present. These rays can easily destroy the human life. To block such rays, the astronaut's should be nearly two metres thick, but it was not. Suprisingly, non of astronauts of Apollo program suffered from cancer.
           The conversation by astronauts from moon to control centre was faster than expected. If one had to communicate from U.S to U.K, there was delay of 0.7 seconds. So, from moon to earthm it should be a bit late, but sound record provided by NASA has a bit fast communication. When the astronauts communicate with the control centre from moving rocket, voice of astronauts is heard but not of rocket.
            The pharaohs are the main sources of controversy. All the photographs look perfect and focused. In photos, there are no effects of cosmic rays. The U.S flag and the word U.S is always seen bright, although, other things in the same photo look dark.According to NASA the source of light for photograph in the moon was only the sun. During day time, the temperature of moon will be very high (126 degree celcius - 137 degree celcius). At this temperature, the film of the camera will be damaged completely. In six Apollo launch, the astronauts had spent all together 48838 minutes in the moon. They had taken 5771 photographs. The rate of taking photographs have been found quiet ambiguous.
             In one of the photographs, it shows that Neil Armstrong's foot is about to touch the ground. It seemed that some one has clicked the photo, but no one was there on the moon before him. If sun was only the source of light, the shadow should be similar. In Apollo 12 launching, two astronauts had landed on the moon with camera on their chest, but while clicking the photo of one astronaut by another the upper part of helmet is seen. From chest level, the upper part of helmet can not be captured.

            The U.S flag is fluttering on the moon. In moon, there is no air and movement of flag is not posssible. The photo shows the foot prints of astronauts. When we walk on deep dry sand, our foot prints are not seen but small holes are created.
Moon is also dry but foot prints are seen. Its quite controversial. In photograph, the sky is dark but no stars are seen. Even non of the astronauts ever spoke how the sky looked from the moon. There are lots of faults seen in photographs related with shadow, source of light and brightness.

            All together 11 Apollo campaigns astronauts were killed in the accident. There was Apollo 13 blast because of high pressure in oxygen bag. Seven were killed in plane crash and one in car crash. The Apollo campaign started when the Vietnam war was occured. The world was excited at Apollo success and nobody paid attention towards the loss of lives in Vietnam.
           Extraordinary claim demanded extraordinary result. NASAs claims are extraordinary but the result are not satisfactory. Human's step on moon is great triumph but still there are controversies, it never tastes sweet, normal people believe the human stepped on moon but science never say any incident true unless it is justified completely.

Monday, June 13, 2011

My First Blog.

Hi everybody, this is me Ricky. I have designed this blog for you to give you information about any thing on any topic. I hope you all like it and help me to make my blog better.